Mel’s 6 @ 36

What I’ve Learned Thus Far In My 36 Years & A Little Bit In Between…

  1. Living:

Being beautiful means we see ourselves for ourselves. This is who I am and I am grateful for the “me” I am. Be who you are right now, this minute, in this moment right here. Beauty isn’t perfection or the lack of a little jiggle here and there. Beauty starts in the innermost, deepest parts of who we are and infiltrates out through our eyes, smiles, laughter, voices, personalities and so much more until the inner weaves itself indelibly to the outer.

  1. Not Hiding:

Being authentic means we don’t hide. We don’t hide from who we are. We don’t hide from who we used to be. We choose to be real over being fake and we choose to live instead of almost living. We invite people into the gift of who we are authentically, intentionally and honestly so that incredible friendships and relationships can blossom out of us.

  1. Loving:

I am grateful for the “me” I am becoming. I must love me and know I am lovable and worthy of love. Love from others is simply bonus ice cream with my cake. Chocolate espresso gelato to be exact.

  1. Showing Up:

In life we have the gift of living as our true authentic and beautiful selves. Living means we “show up” to our lives and we commit to being in them all the way. Showing up means you let people see you for who you really are and you choose to engage in your life fully. You attend and be present in the life you’ve been gifted. It’s the difference between being a person who goes deep and intentionally with people and a person who goes wide and shallow with people. Do you show up or do you hide?

5. Growing:

I am grateful for the “me” I used to be. She taught me things I needed to know, I needed to learn so I could grow.

6. Becoming.

Being true means we see the beauty in us and the deficits. We choose to grow and pursue healing and freedom so we can get the most mileage out of these bodies, these gifts and these snazzy personalities that have intentionally been placed in us. I love to say things followed by “this is my truth.” Speaking what’s real, what’s true and what’s me. If there’s one gift I could give you this year that means the most to me it’s that you’d know your truth, live your truth and be your truth in everything that has anything to do with you. Live in it and keep on becoming.

I hope my words speak life to all who desire to live, not hide, love, show up, grow and become.

Choose to be present in your life because it makes this journey truly worth living.



4 Replies to “Mel’s 6 @ 36”

  1. This is a stellar list. I love that you start with a true and honest understanding and appreciation of ourselves. A chance to see who God made us and love that person. Being real–choosing real. These are so amazing–I actually bookmarked them in the email you sent. Thanks, Mello, for truth in delight.

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