Finding Me Truth #9: Weakness is Exactly What You Need

​But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong. – 2 Corinthians 12: 9,10


What if we considered limitations and disappointments our strongest moments? Failure and weakness remind us we’re not in control. We don’t have power. 

But God does. And he desires to put that power to work in us, especially in our most powerless moments. It’s in those moments that we can see how badly we really need him and choose to surrender to his plans and wrap ourselves in his fortitude.

Counter the culture, weakness is exactly what you need to experience the presence and nearness of God. Weakness beckons and invites him to meet you exactly where you are and be a present help in your time of neediness.

Embrace your weaknesses. Express your neediness. Ask God to enter into them with you. In them precious victories await because of God. Hope in him never disappoints.

5K and Ludivine

Runner = Melody. An equation I never saw coming.

After childhood, I ran only if somebody was chasing me. Running on purpose and because I liked it was not me.

But something happened in 2014. I intersected with Black Girls Run!, a national movement of women who meet weekly in different cities for exercise and community.

I discovered new sisters who trained with me, ran races alongside me, and cheered my every step and mile. There were women who’d lost nearly 100 lbs because they started walking and running with Black Girls Run! (BGR).

My first meetup in August was encouraging. I learned more about BGR Orlando as I walked through Jay Blanchard Park with my friend Jessica (who encouraged me to join) and ladies in the Eastside group. A week later, I joined the Eastside sisters for a run with BGR Melbourne. I did a three-mile walk and jog with new friend Beverly. It was the first time I’d ever done that kind of mileage.

But work and priorities soon hit keeping me busy and tired. For a year, I fell off the BGR wagon. September 2015 arrived and I decided, “Mel it’s time to get connected again.” I discovered a BGR meetup five minutes from my house, and life has never be the same.

From September to December 2015, I completed two virtual 5Ks, ran 83 miles, and walked 29. My speed improved as I moved into a 14 minute mile and sprinted 13 and 12 minute miles for short periods.

Hot ChocolateMelody became a runner. Melody is a runner. What the what!

January 24, 2016, in my hometown of Atlanta, I completed my first live race, the Hot Chocolate 5K/15K. It was 30 degrees and the course was hilly, but I beat my previous 5K time. I had one 12 to 13 minute mile, and  two miles under 30 minutes. I also finished under 45 minutes, a new personal record for me.

This also was a huge milestone in life, PERIOD. Running changed me. It’s helped me see my determination and how much strength my soul contains. You have to be determined and strong, and maybe a little bit crazy to run outside ON PURPOSE in 30 degree weather.


A few days after the race, I read a hilarious article about a dog named Ludivine who accidentally ran a half marathon and came in seventh place. Ludivine inspired me to make plans for my first half marathon this year. I told Jessica and the following text conversation ensued:

Mel: “That dog ran a whole 13 miles and came in 7th place. That’s freaking amazing.”

Jess: “He’s a dog though. They love running.”

Mel: “You should be excited that I am inspired.”

Jess: “Teresa encouraged you, I encouraged you. But nope, the dog inspired you.”

Mel: “For 13 miles (that dog ran). And by the way he is a she.”

Jess: “I’m glad you’re inspired though. All dogs look alike to me. Until she puts a pink bow in her hair she will be a he.”

Mel: “Her name is Ludivine. She’s southern. From Alabama.”

Jess: “Looooooooooool I’m done.”

Jessica can throw shade on Ludivine all she wants, but I’m proud of her! And I’m excited to see where my 5K, 10K and half marathon adventures take me this year. I’m confident with my BGR sisters we’re gonna stomp plenty of pavement.

Lying is Easy, Truth is Not

Writing is an opportunity for me to tell the truth.

Oftentimes it’s my truth I’m telling.

Sometimes I don’t realize this until I’m 200 words in deep.

Many times it’s God’s truth I’m inspired to tell, in repackaged ways but always authentically.

Lying is easy. Tell me who you want me to believe you are or what you imagine stuff to be.

Truth is not. Show me who you really are and be willing to stand in that with honesty wrapped around your waist.

Truth. It’s what we need. It’s custom built to set us free.

So, everytime I write I say to myself, “It’s time to tell the truth. What do I need to tell the truth about today?”

What regularly occurs in your life that causes you to ask the same self-reflecting question? What’s your answer?

Originally written February 22, 2016.


Mel’s 6 @ 36

What I’ve Learned Thus Far In My 36 Years & A Little Bit In Between…

  1. Living:

Being beautiful means we see ourselves for ourselves. This is who I am and I am grateful for the “me” I am. Be who you are right now, this minute, in this moment right here. Beauty isn’t perfection or the lack of a little jiggle here and there. Beauty starts in the innermost, deepest parts of who we are and infiltrates out through our eyes, smiles, laughter, voices, personalities and so much more until the inner weaves itself indelibly to the outer.

  1. Not Hiding:

Being authentic means we don’t hide. We don’t hide from who we are. We don’t hide from who we used to be. We choose to be real over being fake and we choose to live instead of almost living. We invite people into the gift of who we are authentically, intentionally and honestly so that incredible friendships and relationships can blossom out of us.

  1. Loving:

I am grateful for the “me” I am becoming. I must love me and know I am lovable and worthy of love. Love from others is simply bonus ice cream with my cake. Chocolate espresso gelato to be exact.

  1. Showing Up:

In life we have the gift of living as our true authentic and beautiful selves. Living means we “show up” to our lives and we commit to being in them all the way. Showing up means you let people see you for who you really are and you choose to engage in your life fully. You attend and be present in the life you’ve been gifted. It’s the difference between being a person who goes deep and intentionally with people and a person who goes wide and shallow with people. Do you show up or do you hide?

5. Growing:

I am grateful for the “me” I used to be. She taught me things I needed to know, I needed to learn so I could grow.

6. Becoming.

Being true means we see the beauty in us and the deficits. We choose to grow and pursue healing and freedom so we can get the most mileage out of these bodies, these gifts and these snazzy personalities that have intentionally been placed in us. I love to say things followed by “this is my truth.” Speaking what’s real, what’s true and what’s me. If there’s one gift I could give you this year that means the most to me it’s that you’d know your truth, live your truth and be your truth in everything that has anything to do with you. Live in it and keep on becoming.

I hope my words speak life to all who desire to live, not hide, love, show up, grow and become.

Choose to be present in your life because it makes this journey truly worth living.




One of my Instafriends Keilah gave a challenge this morning to list our blessings. Here’s what flowed from my heart:

Grateful for my life, the gift to love, the honor to write, the ability to be musical, the presence of people who love me, a future that’s crafted exactly for my story and a personal relationship with the one true and living God that keeps me on my toes with surprise and expectation each new day.

I’m thankful, living and growing still.